belleEtik - Fashion with a Heart and SoulbelleEtik - We careSign in  .:.  $  £  
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What do we mean by Ethical Fashion

One of the aims of Belleetik is to know the story behind the label. We categorise our clothes as follows:

1. Fairtrade Labelled Fairtrade logo IFAT logo - Where the raw materials or clothes have been certified by FLO Fairtrade Labelling Organisation or by WFTO World Fairtrade Organisation.

2. Fairly Traded Fairly traded logo - Items which are not independently certified but where suppliers are working with small factories, cooperatives and producers groups under fair trade conditions - including good pay; long term relationships.

3. Environmentally Friendly Materials Recycled logo - This includes the use of organic cotton; or crops such as hemp and bamboo, which do not require pesticides; the use of natural dyes where possible and the use of recycled materials. In fact all our designers currently fit this category.

Giving Something Back
Although at the very early stages we are committing to invest at least 20% of our profits in social projects. As we move closer to being able to realise this dream, we will link with producer & community groups & NGOs to contribute to projects fostering sustainable development. Please watch this space.

Belleetik is part of the ethical fashion movement - While a dull name, there is no doubt that the movement is anything but... Ethical Fashion is a creative, passionate, positive & inspiring movement for change. It is about making fashion & clothing more interesting, improving the conditions and the lives of the people who make the clothes and perhaps ultimately improving the quality of clothes through better fabrics.

The flip side of ethical fashion is often badly paid textile related jobs and poor working conditions, which keep people in a cycle of poverty. More informative clothing labels & independent certification would allow us to make fashion choices that can literally change the world for an enormous number of people.

(For more information visit and their member sites.)

What is Ethical Fashion
The definition of what constitutes ethical fashion can be quite elastic. It can be difficult as a consumer to obtain appropriate information in the crowded ethical market place. This is what Ethical Fashion means to us Read on